A Hot Twitter Game To Search For The Most Endorsed Digital Community Members


One shall visit the Global Webit Congress with Platinum Pass and network with the global digital, tech and telco elite and top investors visiting Istanbul from 103 countries

Twitter is hot today for startups, digital, tech and telco industry experts and geeks: http://vip.webitcongress.com

The Global Webit Congress announced to provide a Platinum Pass to the Congress and free Business Class flight to Istanbul as well as 5 star hotel stay to the most supported community member to achieve his/her dreams to join in style the Congress and connect with the digital, tech and telco elite from 103 countries visiting the Global Webit Congress.

Tens of thousands of candidates already joint. The winner shall have access to all amazing 250+ speakers of the Congress as well as with thousands of the C-level attendees, to participate at the CEOs, and Leaders lunches and the official Chairman's Dinner. But this is just the beginning.

The Global Webit Congress became of the worlds most important events for the digital industry as well as for the tech entrepreneurial ecosystem attracting more than 8000 top executives and C-level attendees and is the hottest place for any tech and digital company/startup to meet and mingle with international decision makers and grow global business.

"We have already created a special StartUp Village zone where we provide free expo stands, Congress tickets and cash for some of the most scalable startups from all around the world to help them grow" says Plamen Russev, Founder and Chairman of Webit Congress' board. This year more than 834 startups applied in our startup challenge. The VIP.WebtCongress.com initiative is not only a successful marketing tool for us, but also an opportunity we want to provide to the community leaders to join the Congress and to achieve their dreams by networking with thousands of the biggest global ad-spenders, top digital and tech experts, telco executives and investors."

The vip.WebitCongress.com project ends on 25 October 2013 at 1:00 pm GMT (UK time).

Everyone may take part and all it takes to do is to tweet @WebitCongress #Webit vip.webitcongress.com and why have to be selected to win. Once in – you have to ask your friends and followers to support you by RT or endorsing your profile to @WebitCongress

The good news is that one of the supporters who retweet or endorse will also be awarded a free flight to Istanbul, where the Congress takes place and Gold Pass to the Congress.

About the Global Webit Congress

Webit Congress (www.WebitCongress.com) is the global event for the digital, tech and telco industries to support the growth of the Digital and Tech Industry, knowledge and know-how and to create the best possible business networking event.

Established back in 2008 the Congress grew from 1500 to 8000 C level delegates from 100+ countries providing unparalleled top level networking, knowledge transfer and business opportunities.

The 5th edition of the Congress shall host 300+ accredited media from all over the world, a big number of international exhibitors and sponsors.

A special StartUp Village provides space for 21 startups - future digital and tech leaders and industry disruptors. Each year a respected international jury selects the best of the best. In 2013 the selection is among the 843 applicants from all over the world.

Webit Congress is held with the strategic support of IAB Europe, EACA, EGTA, MMA, Arab ICT Organization, Africa ICT Alliance, CMO Council, Global StartUp Weekend among the others.
Web site: www.WebitCongress.com
Video & pictures: http://www.webitcongress.com/en/2013/gallery.html
Webit Congress logo: http://www.webitcongress.com/en/2013/logo.html

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1 yorum:

  1. Reklam aldık iyide Başlık çok uzun geldi :) neyse böle kalsın bakalım
